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Beneficial Ownership Information Reports

As of January 1, 2024, the United States Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) has begun accepting…

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Is Florida Finally Holding Property Insurance Companies Accountable?

Over the past two years, the Florida Legislature has continuously gutted homeowners’ ability to hold their property insurance companies accountable…

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Hurricane Ian: The Most Expensive Hurricane to Hit Florida

Hurricane Ian devastated the southwestern coast of Florida and continued to cause flooding as it made its way across the state, causing major damages…

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Hurricane Names for the 2023 Atlantic Season

The Atlantic hurricane season begins on June 1, 2023, and ends on November 30, 2023, and while it may still be a few months away, it is never too early…

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What Is Bad Faith When It Comes to Insurance Companies?

When in a dispute with your insurance carrier regarding a coverage determination, you may hear or see the term “bad faith” tossed around.

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What Is a Curator?

When hearing the term “curator,” many may think it involves something to do with a museum or artwork collection – but it is also an important position for use in probate estates.

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Can I Sell My Property If I Have an Open Insurance Claim?

With the Florida property market so hot, many homeowners may be considering selling their properties.

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How Long do I Have to Report a Hurricane or Tropical Storm Claim?

Hurricane or tropical storm damage is not always obvious and can take some time to surface before it’s noticed by homeowners.

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What Happens If I Don’t Agree With My Property Insurance Company’s Payment for Damages?

Unfortunately, underpaid claims are frequent in Florida. Insurance companies are in the business of making money, and the less they pay their policyholders in need, the more they can profit.

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What Is Florida’s New “RAP” Program and Are Savings Coming to Homeowners?

The Florida Legislature recently enacted a new program, the Reinsurance to Assist Policyholders (“RAP”) program.

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What Happens If a Beneficiary Passes Away Before the Individual or Before Probate Ends?

Probate can be a lengthy and complex process, both emotionally and legally. It can become even more complex…

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How Do I Revoke My Will?

Revoking a Will is not uncommon. There are a number of reasons why a Will may be revoked.

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How Long Should the Property Insurance Claims Process Take?

Handling a property insurance claim can be frustrating, especially when your home remains damaged during the process.

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Cast Iron Pipes: Should They Be Replaced?

One of the most common causes of property damage is water damage, which can be caused by pipe failures. Cast iron was one of the most common plumbing systems for homes built prior to 1975 and unfortunately may deteriorate over time.

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Does Property Insurance Cover Living Expenses?

Some forms of property damage can lead your home to be unlivable while it is being repaired, requiring you to move out until the restoration is complete.

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Can a Probate Estate Be Obligated to Creditors?

While a loved one’s estate is going through the probate process, you may receive some of their bills or other obligations in the mail and be wondering whether the estate is obligated to pay them.

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Vandalism, Burglary, and Property Insurance: Am I Covered?

Burglary or vandalism can cause major property damage. After you have contacted law enforcement to make a report, you may be wondering how you can recover your damaged or stolen property.

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What Should I Do if My Insurance Company Sends an Adjuster to My Property?

After you file a claim with your property insurance company, it is likely that they will send an insurance adjuster to your property on their behalf to investigate the cause of the damages.

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Assessing Your Home for Storm Damage

Floridian homeowners should be aware of two things: how to prepare their property for a hurricane and how to assess their property after the storm has passed.

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Most Common Reasons for Hurricane Claim Denials

Florida may be known for its beaches and sunshine, but with the beauty comes the cost of hurricanes. Hurricanes can cause serious damage to property and preparation can only help so much.

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Wendy Williams’ Guardianship Battle

As we saw from Britney Spears, guardianship battles can impact everyone and anyone, even celebrities. The latest celebrity to be the face of a guardianship battle is Wendy Williams, an Emmy-nominated daytime talk show host.

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Most Common Problems Homeowners Face During the Property Insurance Claims Process

Florida’s hurricanes and summer storms take a beating on our homes and lead to a hefty amount of property insurance claims. Nearly 1 in 20 homeowners will make a claim with their property insurer every year.

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Inflation and Property Insurance

Florida homeowners have already felt constraint by rising costs of property insurance.

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Do I Need an Estate Planning Attorney for a Simple Will?

Estate planning can be a complicated and emotional process, especially for those with significant assets and people they wish to leave their property to, but what about those who wish to have a very simple Will?

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Southern Fidelity Insurance Company Goes Under

Even after recent legislative changes, the property insurance market in Florida still appears to be in trouble. Southern Fidelity Insurance Company was placed into an insurance company’s version of bankruptcy by the state on June 15, 2022.

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Do I Have to Probate Every Estate?

Probate typically takes around six to nine months for the estate to be open, assets to be transferred, and estate to be closed, and sometimes even longer for more complex estates.

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Does my Property Insurance Cover Damage Caused by a Burglary?

Burglaries can result in property damage, whether it is to your home itself or stolen items.

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What is Litigation and How Long Should it Take?

After an insurance company denies or underpays your claim, you’re likely anxious to take the next steps to obtain coverage and get your property repaired.

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Does my Property Insurance Cover Plumbing Leaks and Pipe Bursts?

Plumbing leaks can be difficult to discover. They can also come from a number of areas and appliances throughout your home and result in major damage

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Does My Property Insurance Cover Mold Removal?

Mold can grow extremely quickly in the Florida heat and humidity, even indoors.

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Is Hail Damaged Covered by my Property Insurance?

Hail is common in Florida, especially during severe summer storms. In fact, Florida actually has a hail season, running from March to July.

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My Property Insurance Claim Has Been Denied…What Can I do?

Your home is still damaged, unrepaired, and you have received a letter stating your insurance company is refusing to cover your claim.

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What is an Examination Under Oath?

After you make a claim with your insurance company, they may request that you participate in an Examination Under Oath, or an “EUO”.

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Boca Raton Introduces New Laws for Condominiums

It has been over a year since the Champlain Towers South collapsed in Surfside, Florida, as a result of construction failures and years of weathering that went unchecked.

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Contesting a Will

A Will is a legal document which sets out an individual’s, known as the testator, wishes for how they would like their property distributed upon their death.

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What to Do Once the Storm Passes

The 2022 hurricane season is upon us and an above-average season is predicted. As with any storm season, Floridians should begin their preparations and planning before a storm comes.

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Most Common Types of Hurricane Damage

Florida is known for its sandy beaches and sunshine, but with paradise comes the risk of hurricanes. In the midst of a predicted above-average hurricane season, it is important for homeowners to be aware of the types of damages that may appear after a hurricane.

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What Should I Bring to my First Meeting with a Property Insurance Attorney?

Your claim has been denied and your insurance carrier is refusing to pay for your damaged property, so you’ve decided to hire an attorney. Meeting with an attorney may be a daunting task and is not typically something that most people do every day. Here are a few tips on what you should bring with you for your first meeting.

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Rampant Fraud in Florida or Large Insurers Taking Advantage of Consumers?

Lawmakers and insurance companies have frequently cited rampant fraud and excessive litigation as a cause for the rapidly increasing property insurance costs pushed onto consumers. As lawmakers are reconvening for a special session to address the ongoing property insurance crisis, the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation has an additional request for lawmakers. The Office is requesting an additional $6.5 million to fund a public education campaign on fraud and salaries for additional employees for fraud detection.

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What Should I Bring to My First Meeting With a Probate Attorney?

Probate can be an overwhelming and emotional process, but there are some simple steps you can take to ease the process. During your first meeting with your probate attorney, there are a few documents you should bring to ensure the estate can be handled as efficiently as possible.

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2022 Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane season is upon us and forecasters have predicted it to be another busy season. There are a few things homeowners should do before storm season to prepare

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Alternatives to Guardianship in Florida

Guardianships can sometimes be necessary to provide care to a loved one who no longer has the capacity to make decisions for themselves. However, guardianship is typically only used as an option of last resort, as it strips an individual of all legal autonomy.

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Are Changes Coming to Florida’s Roofing Codes?

Roof damage is frequent in Florida, especially with summer storms, hurricanes, and tropical storms. Presently, if 25% or more of a roof is damaged within a 12 month period, insurance companies are required to replace the entire roof.

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Mandatory Arbitration Clauses in Insurance Policies

American Integrity Insurance Company has been approved by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation to permit discounts for homeowners who agree to arbitration within their policies.

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Do I Need to Maintain My Property to Comply With My Property Insurance Policy?

Homeownership comes with many responsibilities, one of which is property maintenance. It is important to conduct maintenance on your property frequently to discover and fix any potential issues before they become larger problems, but also to ensure if a property damage claim arises, it will be covered.

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When Should I Contact an Attorney for My Property Damage Claim?

Insurance companies are a business and their prerogative is to make a profit, which means it is not uncommon to see rightful claims denied.

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Millennial Woes: Unaffordable Housing and Skyrocketing Property Insurance Rates Are Destroying the American Dream

Millennials are familiar with financial struggles, with the eldest of the generation facing the brunt of the 2008 Great Recession and the youngest faced with the reality of being priced out of the housing market.

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Protecting Your Home From Wildfires

As Florida’s population has continued to increase, so have developments stretching into areas that were once a part of the Everglades. Fires in these areas are natural to Florida’s ecosystem and have occurred seasonally for hundreds of years.

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Property Insurance Fraud: How Common is it and is it Really to Blame for Florida’s Property Insurance Crisis?

Property insurers throughout the state have continued to push the narrative that the reason for lost profits and sky-rocketing rates is fraud committed by public adjusters, roofing contractors, mitigation companies, and attorneys.

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Homeowner’s Insurance Crisis and Seniors

Florida has one of the highest senior populations in the United States, and that population is only growing.

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Jacksonville Jaguars File Suit against Property Insurer

The Jacksonville Jaguars have filed suit against their property insurer, Axis Surplus Insurance Company. The Jaguars have alleged that Axis wrongfully denied coverage after they reported a claim related to COVID-19 losses.

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Florida Office of Insurance Regulation to Allow Roof Deductibles

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation is the office in charge of insurance regulation throughout the state of Florida.

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What Happens if there is No Will, or an Incomplete Will?

It is not uncommon for individuals to pass away without a Will. When an individual does not have an estate plan, the property is passed “intestate.”

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Russia’s Attack on Ukraine: Impacts felt in the Insurance Industry

The global economy already faced uncertainty due to COVID-19, but the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has placed further pressure upon the economy. While the crisis faced in Ukraine may seem worlds away, there will likely be impact felt in America, even in the insurance realm.

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What Is a Personal Representative?

Probate can be a complicated process with many moving parts. One of the terms you may frequently hear is personal representative. The personal representative is in charge of administration of the entire probate estate.

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What Is Ancillary Probate?

Florida is known for its beautiful beaches and sunshine, attracting a large migratory population who may own property here as well as in another state. If somebody legally resides in another state but still owns property in Florida, it may create an ancillary probate situation.

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Does My Property Insurance Cover Damage Caused by a Tornado?

Florida’s weather can be relentless and unexpected, especially as we head into the summer months. Although Florida is not necessarily known for tornadoes, they can happen and be extremely dangerous and damaging.

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Is my Claim Being Underpaid?

Insurance is typically purchased to be used when the worst happens to cover the unthinkable, but it is not atypical for insurance companies to underpay these claims and is not always obvious until repairs have been undertaken.

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Florida’s Property Insurance Crisis: An Update

The Florida legislature did not pass the two bills they had on their docket after failing to come to an agreement.

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Citizens Property Insurance Policy Changes

The Florida Legislature and Insurance Companies are less concerned about the cost and stress for homeowners in Florida to repair their homes after wrongful denials of claims and more concerned about their bottom dollar.

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What is an Assignment of Benefits?

Property damage can be costly and unexpected and often requires immediate attention.

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What is Probate?

Probate is the court supervised process by which a deceased individual, known as the “decedent,” has their assets transferred to those designated or legally entitled to the. The persons designated or legally entitled to the assets are known as the “beneficiaries.”

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Property Damage and Living in the Lightning Capital of the United States

Florida was once again named the “lightning capital” of the United States after experiencing an average of 223 lightning strikes per square mile.

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Citizens Property Insurance Policy Changes

The Florida Legislature and Insurance Companies are less concerned about the cost and stress for homeowners in Florida to repair their homes after wrongful denials of claims and more concerned about their bottom dollar.

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The Florida Insurance Company Crisis

Over the past few months, at least a dozen insurance companies have been liquidated, dropped customers, or left the state of Florida, leaving hundreds of thousands of Floridians scrambling for insurance. Insurers cite lost profits, despite premiums in the state being nearly double what they are in the rest of the country, and many Floridians have been faced with the reality of their insurance premiums surpassing the cost of their mortgages.

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Property Damage and COVID-19

In the beginning of 2020, many businesses were forced to shutter their doors due to the outbreak of COVID-19. As society has grappled with dealing with a pandemic, businesses have also grappled with dealing with outbreaks, resulting in expensive sanitization practices and even temporary closure.

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What is a Sworn Proof of Loss?

Insurance companies have a list of obligations for homeowners to adhere to after their property is damaged. One of these is a Proof of Loss statement.

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A New Bill is Attempting to Increase Florida Courts Power Over Guardianships

A new bill is making its way through the Florida legislature that would potentially increase the power given to legal guardians in Florida.

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Lawmakers Consider Additional Changes to Florida Property Insurance Laws

There was an overhaul to the property insurance scheme in Florida last year, which helped the insurance companies more than Florida homeowners. Homeowners have continued to face troubles finding adequate and affordable coverage for their properties.

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How to Prepare for the Worst: Keeping Your Documents in Case of Disaster

Most homeowners have property insurance, but don’t know what to do to be prepared to use it. Florida’s weather temperament and its many natural disasters take a toll on our properties.

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Guardianships Can Be Tricky

Britney Spears, the iconic pop-star of the early 2000s, has recently been freed of her conservatorship. Although each state has its own individual laws regarding guardianship cases, the #FreeBritney movement has brought to light the world of guardianship law and cases.

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What Happens if my Insurance Company Fails to Match my Undamaged Property’s Colors?

Living in Florida, roof leaks are commonplace and can result in major damage to the interior of your home, including damage to your flooring or interior walls.

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Hurricane Preparedness: It’s Never Too Early

We still have six months until the start of hurricane season, but with another busy season predicted for 2022, homeowners should be prepared in case of a storm that causes damage.

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What Should I do if My Property is Damaged?

When there is an emergency situation involving damage to your property, the last thing you think of is whether your insurance will cover the damage.

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New Law Affecting Homeowners Insurance Claims

On July 1, 2021, a new bill went into effect significantly impeding homeowner’s rights against their homeowner’s insurance carriers.

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Crucial Law Update on Your Homeowner’s Insurance Claims

United States Court House

Last week was a crucial week in the area of homeowner’s property claims and the ever changing laws in this area. There were two decisions and a key Bill which passed the Florida legislature that you should be aware of when dealing with a homeowner’s insurance company for a loss suffered at your property.

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Hurricane Irma Claims Still Pending

Stormy sky

Almost ten months later and there are still nearly 100,000 claims which remain open throughout the State of Florida from Hurricane Irma damage, according to the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation.

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Insurance Companies are Out Of Time

Aerial picture of neighborhood

If your home was impacted by Hurricane Irma and you filed a claim, but you still have not heard from the Insurance Company, your claim may be ripe for suit.

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Homeowner’s Claim Prevails

House ceiling with water damage

A very favorable case for Plaintiff’s who’s homeowner’s insurance claims were denied, delayed or underpaid has come out of the 5th DCA recently.

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Ancillary Probate


When a loved one dies while living in another state, but at the time of death owned assets in Florida, was due credits from Florida residents, or had a valid lien on a Florida property, a probate proceeding may be necessary in Florida.

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Estate Planning Excuses

Power of attorney document with gavel

I often hear some of the below reasons when broaching the subject of estate planning. “I can just use a form from the internet to

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What to do After a Hurricane

Beach with stormy sky

Now that Hurricane Irma, the worst hurricane in American history has passed, it left behind quite a mess. But, now that the power is back

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Client Reviews

I was told by my insurance adjuster that Rina was a fabulous attorney who will fight hard for her clients and he was right. She did an outstanding job communicating with me throughout a stressful negotiation process and I was so happy with the settlement she got for me. Highly recommend the Law...

Mark L.

I had water damage to the inside of my home and homeowners insurance automatically rejected my claim. After giving up fighting them on my own i contacted Rina and she petsonally discussed options and explained the procedure. After about 4 months my claim was resolved , Rina worked pro bono so did...

Christopher D.

Rina is very efficient. She always kept me updated and worked very quickly. She took the time to explain everything thoroughly and made sure that I understood, although my primary language is Spanish.

Mariel C.

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