Finding Solutions
Is my Claim Being Underpaid?
Insurance is typically purchased to be used when the worst happens to cover the unthinkable, but it is not atypical for insurance companies to underpay these claims and is not always obvious until repairs have been undertaken. So, what should homeowners be on the lookout for to ensure their claim is not underpaid?
1. Ensure a Thorough Inspection of the Damaged Property
Property damage is not always visibly evident, and more damage may appear as repairs are being made. It is crucial for homeowners to ensure inspections are thorough. If the insurance company’s inspector seems to lack thoroughness in their inspection, damages may go overlooked. If this is the case, homeowners should look to hire a professional to complete an inspection.
2. Fight Back on Low Estimates
If the insurance company’s estimate of damages is below what it should be, homeowners should retain their own experts to garner an estimate of damages and submit it to the insurance company.
3. Hire an Attorney
If the insurance company is proving to underpay your claim, or outright deny it, it may be time to call an attorney to advocate for your rights.
This article is not intended to be legal advice nor create an attorney-client relationship.